Our forever

“You are my best friend, the love of my life, and I can’t wait to grow old with you.

I love you Kyler Justyce, always and forever.“

Those are just a few of the words that I never thought I’d say at just 21 years old. I never imagined myself wearing a beautiful white dress, standing next to a man in front of all of our friends and family, and promising my love to another person for the rest of my life at such a young age. But after April 5th, 2017 (REMEMBER THIS DATE) those thoughts quickly changed, and God had much bigger plans for my life than I could have ever imagined. 

Kyler and I met on a wild Wednesday night. I remember (almost) every detail of that night perfectly. He was this tall, handsome stranger who at first glance I knew without a doubt that he was going to be someone special in my life. We talked he night away, before he walked me back to my dorm room. On our walk he bet that if the next day I remembered his name that he would take me out on a date. We talked the rest of the weekend and all through the weekend and I was SMITTEN. Finally, Tuesday rolled around and I was anxiously awaiting 7 pm when he was going to pick me up. I had my friends pick out my clothes, do my hair and make-up. I so badly wanted to impress this man. I will never forget the butterflies that I felt that night, as we laughed and talked the night away. Our night finally came to an end, and there was not a single doubt in my mind that I would be with Kyler for the rest of my life. 

We spent the next month and a half spending almost every possible moment we could together. We were falling head over heels for each other in the most beautiful way. The semester came to an end and it was time for me to move back home for a few months before we embarked on our long distance journey. Just two weeks before meeting Kyler, I had committed to moving to Kansas to pursue my college volleyball career that I had put on hold. I was nervous and excited, but most of all, I was sad that I was going to be 7 hours away from the man that I had fallen in love with. Kyler and my family drove me to Kansas and that whole day seemed like just such a whirlwind. Trying to get checked in, get my room set up and so on. Kyler had taken a few days off from work and stayed in Kansas with me an extra day before heading back home. He held me while I cried my eyes out, made me laugh, and made sure I knew that no matter what the next few months held, that we would make it through our time apart until I moved back to Lubbock. 

My time in Kansas was a roller coaster to say the least. Mine and Kyler’s relationship was tested, my relationship with God was tested, and my friendships were tested. Kyler and I both made that awful 7 hour trip to visit each other as often as we could, I remember one weekend we had a Friday night game, and our coach gave us the weekend off from practice and I knew exactly where I was headed. We had an hour long trip back to Garden City, where I then had to pack and then hit the road to see my sweet man. I along with 6 other girls from my team loaded up and headed out just around 10pm. I arrived in Lubbock around 5am, and although exhausted, Kyler and I spent the next few hours talking and catching up until the sun came up. Those memories are some that I will cherish for a life time. 

Finally my time in Kansas was coming to an end, and I could not have been more excited. I moved back home to Borger for a few weeks until I was able to move into my new apartment. The night before I was going to move into my new apartment in Lubbock, Kyler was acting SO strange. He mentioned that his dad had something to show us the next day. Which was very strange, and I kept asking questions, but he would not let me know anything and was playing dumb the whole time. The next morning my mom and I loaded up and headed to Lubbock. We got to lubbock, and Kyler was suppose to meet us at the apartment to help us move some stuff in, but he wouldn’t answer his phone or anything, and finally his sister called me and told me he was in the shower. In my head I was thinking “why in the world is this man taking a showe before he comes to help us move stuff??” But I let it go and my mom and I got everything unloaded and headed to grab something to eat. Kyler finally met us there and he was acting so strange, but we ate lunch and then started heading to the place where “his dad had to show us something”. As were driving I am just talking away since we hadn’t seen each other for about a week. I mentioned things about one day getting engaged and so on. Little did I know what was about to happen. 

As were driving it starts to SNOW, and we pull up to an outdoor gun range. At this point I’m just slightly annoyed. It was freezing cold and snowing and this man wanted me to get outside. So we walk onto the firing range and Kyler tells me I needed to come shoot this gun, so I take the gun and shoot a few rounds at the target. Kyler then instructs me to walk towards the target. I get to the target and written across the target it says “Will you marry me?” I turned around and the man of my dreams was down on one knee, in the snow, asking me to spend the rest of my life with him. My eyes filled with tears, and the only words that came out were “is this for real?” We laughed, I cried, lots of hugs, tons of kisses, and a million smiles, then it truly hit me. The man of my dreams wanted to spend th rest of his life loving me, and I was beyond happy. 

2017 came to an end, and was by far the most incredible year of my life, and I was excited for 2018, but knew it was going to be a tough long year, but I had no idea just how tough things were going to be. Kyler was starting his year long paramedic school, which entailed class every Tuesday and Thursday, with countless hours of clinicals, on top of his already crazy 24 hour on 48 hour off work schedule. Kyler was gone more than he was home during the spring semester which was incredibly hard, but I was taking a massive load of classes that semester so my time was fairly occupied. There were plenty of arguments on anything and everything under the sun. Lots of stress from school, wedding planning, and just mainting a healthy relationship with each other amongst the chaos. The spring came to an end and our second summer of loving began, and we were so excited. There was so much in store for us that we could not have been happier about. I was about to start my last year of undergrad, I was offered an incredible job opportunity, Kyler was nearly finished with his clinicals, and we really thought our crazy life was about to slow down, little did we know the next adventure God had in store for us. 

Two blue lines. The moment I looked down and saw those two blue lines I was filled with a multitude of emotions. I was scared, what was Kyler going to think, how were our families going to take it, how were we going to do this, I had no idea what the future held aside from the fact that I was carrying what would be the greatest blessing in our lives. Kyler and I were both speechless. I cried, and cried, and cried. I knew that life had just gotten a million times more complicated. We went from living fairly carefree and having a blast, to having to settle down, plan a wedding, find an place to live, and a multitude of other things in just eight short weeks. Those eight weeks were a blur, full of tears, frustration, fights, and ALL the morning sickness. But our wedding day was vastly approaching and the day I had dreamt of my entire life was about to come true.

October 27, 2018 was the most magical day of my life. I got dressed up like a princess and promised to love Kyler for the rest of our lives. That day we became one, and I couldn’t have pictured a more perfect day for us. 



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